Rainbow Mountain & Machu Picchu

13.06.17 – Rainbow Mountain

After a while in Cusco and still no tour done it sounded perfect to me to join Natalia to the ”Rainbow Mountain”.

I never expected it would be such a tough tour though.

Waking up at 3am to catch the bus by 3.30am was a rough job. Anyway, somehow  we managed to get the bus. Well, this part actually was the easier one compared to the hike up to the top of the hill next to the Rainbow Mountain what is located at an altitude of 5200m. So far the highest point I’ve been in my life.

Same for Natalia who was suffering a lot walking up there as the highest altitude she’s ever been only was at like 3700m. Anyway, with a lot of doping in form of a special plants extract to breath inn and motivating words of mine she actually managed to walk the whole tour without having to borrow a horse to bring her up.

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I’m still extremely proud of her! I mean it was even hard for me to get up there… and she didn’t even sleep a minute at night! It’s funny… I always tell her about the mind’s abilities. That day was a perfect example for how strong a mind can be


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After taking like a hundred photos/ selfies with me weird looking we got forced to walk back… although we would have liked to stay there the rest of the day.

That day was beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing this experience with me Nati!


16.06.17 – 17.06.17 – Machu Picchu

Very spontaniously I decided to see Machu Picchu. Well, there was no other choice as my bus to Lima was leaving by the 18.06.

I paid about 80$ for a 1- night tour, including the 6 hours drive, 3 meals, accommondation and a tour- guide.

Basically, you don’t drive to Machu Picchu straightaway.

First, you get dropped of in a small village called ”Hidroelectrica”. From there you either walk a 2,5 hours track along a railway or take the train for like 30$ to the town in the valley next to Machu Picchu called ”Aguas Calientes”.

Of course, I was walking. It was totally worth it. The hike offers some very beautiful views. Well, you can’t compare it with the incredible views Machu Picchu gives you eventually.


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Anyway, after having dinner with the other tour- members I went to bed early as the plan was to start walking up at 4.30am.

The way up takes like 1 hour and can be super exhausting as it’s up steep stairs, all the time.

There’s also the opportunity to take a bus… It’s only 15$. But I guess I’m just way to german to invest money for something like that.

For me, getting to see this magic, sacred place was the perfect reward.

Machu Picchu by the way, is a 500 years old inca- city the king used to make holiday at after a one- week hike from Cusco along the inca- trail. It was being built for like 100 years by 3 generations of kings but never got finished. It’s at an altitude of about 2400m and has the perfect location to be protected by enemies. When the Spanish invaded the kingdom the Incas managed to hide Machu Picchu so it never got attacked. Because of that it got forgotten. 400 years later a poor farmer was looking for new land. In the middle of the jungle on top of the mountain he found this place. 5 years later he went public. Since then archeologists are reconstructing it. That’s why Machu Picchu is in such a good shape nowadays.

I was afraid the weather would be shitty. Well, first it was super cloudy. While having very interesting 2 hours of a guided tour the sun started to appear. Eventually there were no clouds at the sky at all by about 10am.


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We had another 3 hours free time for ourselves to discover the rest of this beautiful ancient place. I actually spent like 1 hour having a nap. Awesome! I can say I slept in the most popular Inca- ruins worldwide.

Then, I had to walk back to Hidroelectrica to catch the bus that brang me back to Cusco. Just in time to celebrate my and Nati’s last night before taking the bus to Lima and eventually fly to Colombia together.

Couldn’t have imagined a better end of my amazing time in Peru!

Honestly, Peru was the greatest experience I’ve ever made. So grateful!!!

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